Gordon Liu

Gordon Liu
Scientific Committee

Dr. Liu is a Peking University BOYA Distinguished Professor of Economics at PKU National School of Development, Dean of PKU Institute for Global Health and Development, and Director of PKU China Center for Health Economic Research. For social responsibilities, Prof. Liu currently serves as co-organizer for the “US-China Track II Dialogue on Health” and sits on the China National Expert Panel on COVID19, and the State Council Health Reform Advisory Commission.

He also has served as associate editor for academic journals including China Economic Quarterly, Health Economics, and the Editor-in-Chief for China Journal of Pharmaceutical Economics. Prior to joining Peking University, he was on fulltime faculty at University of Southern California (1994-2000), and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2000-2006). He was the 2004-2005 President of Chinese Economists Society (CES), and the 2004-2006 President of ISPOR Asian Pacific Consortium.  

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