Isao Kamae

Dr. Kamae was Former ISPOR President 2021-2022. He is Japan's foremost expert in HTA and Pharmacoeconomics, serving as a project professor of HTA, The University of Tokyo, and a research director, The Canon Institute for Global Studies, Tokyo, since 2012.
He was the first Japanese to be awarded a Doctor of Public Health in health decision sciences, Harvard University, in 1995, and had international experiences including an advisory expert for WHO and OECD. He previously worked in medical schools and the national university hospitals in Japan with more than 200 papers and 30 books publication.
He was awarded ISPOR Distinguished Service Award four times for great contributions to ISPOR, regarding the first Asia-origin ISPOR Board of Director 2004-2006, the founding President of ISPOR Japan Chapter in 2005-2009, a founder for the ISPOR Asia Consortium, and ISPOR Asia-Pacific Conference. In 2019 he published an English textbook on “Health Technology Assessment in Japan,” which made an impact on global community of HTA.